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Warehousing & Distribution Trends in 2024 and Beyond

Top 5 Warehousing and Distribution Trends in 2024 and Beyond.

The last ten years in the warehousing and logistics industry have taught us that major shifts in the way people consume goods are here to stay, and the improvements in supply chain management are to thank for quicker deliveries and better optimized inventory planning.

Looking into 2024 and the following decade, we expect to see a nimbler commercial real estate market, a higher adoption of technology designed to optimize workflows and eliminate inconsistencies, and more innovative solutions geared toward enhancing existing warehouse spaces.

Read on to learn about the top five emerging trends in the warehousing and distribution industry in the year 2024 and beyond.

Micro Fulfillment Centers (MFCs).

Smaller warehouses nestled in heavily populated urban areas are gaining traction as they offer faster delivery times and reduced shipping costs for consumers and businesses alike.

Companies like Amazon, Walmart, and Target have successfully implemented MFCs to meet increasing consumer demand, and they’re playing a role in shaping the way people buy goods altogether.

MFCs are strategically placed distribution warehousing solutions that are becoming more common in areas once thought to be no longer viable due to rising property costs.

Structural Roof Lifting Innovations.

Structural roof lifting, an industry pioneered by LIFETEX over 50 years ago, is a method used to increase the clear height of existing warehouses that will likely see increased adoption.

With a commercial real estate market in turmoil since the beginning of 2020, property owners have been searching for ways to improve the existing space they already own and manage. Roof lifting provides an experience that is generally more affordable than purchasing and developing new land.

Roof lifting will enable commercial buildings in urban and rural areas alike to transform into more valuable spaces, with higher ceilings that make more room for storing inventory and equipment.

Increased Automation and Robotics Implementation.

In 2024, warehousing will continue its trend towards automation. This includes the use of robots for picking and placing items, as well as automated guided vehicles (AGVs) for transportation within the warehouse. Many facilities are redeveloping current warehouse spaces to support the implementation of these technologies as they plan for the long-term.

Optimized warehousing operations will help improve efficiency within the supply chain, and new, highly skilled positions will create manufacturing or warehouse jobs for people managing this budding industry.

Advanced Inventory Management Systems.

The steady integration of AI and machine learning in inventory management will continue to grow over the coming decade and beyond. These automatable systems can help businesses predict inventory needs and optimize stock levels, contributing to more efficient warehouse operations.

Implementation of inventory management systems will enable those in the logistics industry to reduce wasted time and resources on inconsistent warehousing operations that ideally will result in faster transportation and order fulfillment for business and their consumers.

In fact, Allied Market Research predicts that warehouse automation systems around the world will grow to a $93 billion dollar valuation by 2031, up an average of 15.7% CAGR from 2021.

Smart Warehousing.

The adoption of IoT (Internet of Things) devices and sensors in warehouses will provide real-time data on inventory, equipment, and environmental conditions, leading to more informed decision-making and operational efficiency.

With smart IoT systems in place, warehouses can precisely monitor the location of specific items along the supply chain in real time, alert fluctuations in temperature and humidity to achieve lower spoil rates for stored food, as well as manage delivery requirements in real time to support high quality control standards.

Enhance Your Warehousing Services with LIFTEX.

For over 50 years LIFTEX has enabled warehousing businesses to achieve more with their existing spaces with structural roof lifts. Additionally, property owners that lifted the roof on their commercial spaces were able to secure ideal tenants on long-term contracts by providing a more optimal space to their clients. 

Talk to the Experts at LIFTEX.

LIFTEX pioneered the commercial roof lift, helping businesses across the country earn more out of their existing spaces!

If your team is looking for options, or simply have questions about roof lifting, contact our team of roof lifting experts today!

Explore your options today – call LIFTEX!


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